Duodenal Switch surgery reduces 25% of original stomach size. This
process is highly malabsorptive and restrictive which means it limits
the food quantity that one can consume which in turn means lower amount
of calories and nutrients getting absorbed by the body. There are
chances that individuals suffer weight gain after duodenal switch surgery
if they don’t take proper and restrictive diet. Individuals who have
undergone this surgery require being on mineral and vitamin
supplementation lifelong. Moreover, protein supplementation becomes
vital for them because of decrease in food intake hence limited
nutrients absorption. With this weight loss process, there is a change in lifestyle and these changes determine success in the longer term. In order to avoid weight gain after duodenal switch surgery individuals should know the proper diet that they require consuming.
Post-surgery diet comes in 4 stages. This diet starts from liquids,
then to purees and finally to solids. Once individuals reach final
stage, their diet would include low-sugar, low-fat, and small quantity
of meals that will be consumed over 30 minute time span. For hydration,
fluids are highly important in each stage. Your aim should be consuming
48 to 64 oz of fluids per day. The first and second day will be clear
liquid diet wherein you need to consume maximum fluids. From day three
to fourteen, you need to consume calcium citrate, protein,
multi-vitamin, fluids, iron, and B-complex. From day fifteen to thirty,
your diet will be pureed diet. This diet would include 48 oz to 64 oz
fluids per day, protein, and supplementation as normal. Post 30 days,
you can progress towards regular diet but slowly. This diet will be soft
diet that contains low carbohydrates and low fat. It will have protein,
fluids, and daily supplements.
The second stage meal plan should be as given below-:
- Protein supplement at 8:00 am
- Sugar free liquids at 9:00 am
- Protein supplements at 10:00 am
- Tomato juice at 11:00 am
- Protein supplement at noon
- The above procedure should be repeated from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Daily supplements should be consumed as prescribed. Those individuals who wish avoiding weight gain after duodenal switch surgery should follow this diet chart strictly else weight gain can occur again. You can also consult your dietician to prepare a better diet chart keeping in mind your condition and food intake requirements. If you are suggested to perform some small activities them it is better to choose workouts like walking, doing light household tasks, and taking proper rest. You should not perform strenuous activities for at least 6 weeks post surgery. There are individuals who start performing vigorous workouts with the aim of losing more weight but they end-up harming their body to a great extent. This surgery requires lots of patience as well as determination both in terms of restricting food intake as well as workouts. If you don’t follow a proper diet or other suggestion provided by your doctor, you may end up gaining weight or developing severe health conditions like blood clots.
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