Fantastic !! Papaya leaf of great value. Best Thai home remedies for thrombocytopenia
Low platelet count treatment naturally by leaves of papaya juice. There is an interesting story about a new treatment for low platelet count disease.
Many people may not know. The study which thrombocytopenia found by accident that fresh papaya leaves can be used for juice drink. Maintaining the current plan Make platelets of patients with DHF. Raised within 24-48 hour reduces the death rate down. This is the best Thai home remedies on how to increase blood platelet count naturally and most share online.
How to make papaya leaf juice.
The water that leaves a bitter taste papaya. We can mix it with other juices to reduce the bitterness. And the process of making the papaya leaf juice at home the following steps;Papaya Leaf Clean Cut into small, then bring to a boil with 2 liters of water.
Boil indefinitely without closing the lid. Until the water is reduced to half the pot.
Then filter out the waste water until just papaya leaf. Keep in the refrigerator for 3-4 days is recommended that you drink it the best.
Alternately The papaya leaf juice extractor to remove the remaining water.
Although the papaya leaf juice is highly beneficial. But it is contraindicated for pregnant women. It can cause abortion Also, it should not be consumed in combination with the thyroid , Co enzymes and Q10.
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