how to start juicing for weight loss
At times in life when we are desperate for results we tend to follow all the advice that can help us in any way. Much the same way those of us who are fighting our overweight problem tend to follow all the methods told by friends or associates for weight loss. There are natural ways to achieve your weight loss goal, natural fruits and vegetable juices can help us while making us healthy. One may be wondering as to how to start juicing for weight loss, well let’s explore the ways to discover goodness of Mother Nature.Many among us will be thinking that this juice approach towards inducing weight loss may involve fasting and having only juices instead of regular food. Well to be true juicing involve combining many foods in a juicer and extracting their juice and having it fresh. This way your body will get all the nutrients that it requires for staying healthy, get rid of toxins, and slow down aging process. To get a good start one needs to have good juicer blender which can churn out juices from both fruits as well vegetables or both together. One can also use hand operated version as it gives you some exercise as well. These vegetables are good for our purpose, namely cabbage, spinach, broccoli, carrots, asparagus, cucumber and celery along with garlic if you are ok with its smell. Use any combination of these to make a glass of juice for yourself about half hour before your each meal, this will supply you with all vitamins and minerals, while easing your hunger level so that you will eat less food to feel full and satisfied.
To add taste to your juices one can put in some spices like pepper, cinnamon and cayenne, which also give a boost to our metabolism rate. Metabolism rate is referred to the rate at which our body consumes energy, though most of this energy comes from food we eat but if we are eating less calorie food than the requirement of the body, it utilises the excess weight or stored fat to fulfil its energy needs, which results in weight loss. In our juicing campaign for weight loss remember that all packaged brands available in market cannot help our cause as they are full of high sugar content and thus, should be avoided. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices act positively on our hunger pangs and make available to our body all essential micro-nutrients with minimal calorie exposure and absolutely no harmful fat.
These juices based on vegetables also have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels, thus benefiting in warding off risk of diabetes or help in controlling it if you already suffer from it. To keep your interest alive in this approach to weight loss, experiment with new recipes to make juices and try various permutations and combinations of fruits, vegetables and spices.
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